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Description: Stella Shoes sells wholesale shoes for women at affordable prices. Take a look at our site for more wholesale womens shoes. Visit www.wholesalestellashoes.com.

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Generally, we ship all orders within 24 hrs. of receipt of your purchase order. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns on purchasing items or questions about your order.On wholesalestellashoes.com, any orders cancelled after 24 hour of placing the orders may be charged a 20% restocking fee. for cancellations please call us during our business time. emails are not an acceptable form of cancellation

Returns within 7 days from receipt of order can be returned for exchange, or given a credit at WholesaleStellaShoes.com’s discretion. Please be aware that specific manufacturers have more restrictive return policies, some items will be charged a 15% restocking fee, deducted from your store credit, no shipping charges will be refunded . All products returned MUST: be 100 percent complete, contain ALL original boxes and packing materials. If any of the above is not returned with the item, you may be subject to a repackaging fee, which will be determined on a case by case basis. on wholesalestellashoes.com, NO FREIGHT CHARGES WILL BE REFUNDED OR COMPENSATED UNLESS A WRONG STYLE WAS SHIPPED BY US.

Staff of Stella Shoes is constantly striving to make the shopping process as easy,
efficient and convenient to the customer as possible. If there are any inquiries for:

Phone Number/Email

Please come visit us
1458 S. San Pedro St. #147
Los Angeles, CA 90015

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