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Description: We offer Cheap Bags of top quality, the same as Bags On Sale.The Handbags Sale on our site are cheap enough, they can save you lots of money, with the biggest srprise price, Welcome to order from Topbrandtimes.

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We accept Credit cards, Western Union,MoneyGram Payment,Wire Transfer/TT on .

1. Please confirm your shipping address before pay for it, you are best to leave the phone number for contacting. Please provide a valid email address and check emails after you have purchased for any updated information.

2. Items are generally shipped out within 1 working days after payment has been verified (Sat. & Sun. and most national holidays excluded.).

3. If your order is being delivered to an office building, apartment complex or similar facility, or to a public institution such as a hospital, hotel, school, etc., the carrier may accept delivering to mailroom employees, receptionists, and similar administrative personnel upon delivery. Upon acceptance by such personnel, we shall be deemed to have fulfilled our entire delivery obligation for your order. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items delivered in accordance with the delivery practices noted above.

4. Your goods will be sent by courier to your door. You will receive an email with your order confirmation number and your shipping tracking number. With this tracking number you can easy track the progress of your purchase. Keep in mind it may take up to 5 days before the online tracking has updated your package.

5. On ,once we ship your package, we will send you tracking number once it available. Package transitting time normally takes 7 to 14 business days, depending on the destination, holidays and factors beyond Postal Service’s control. If there is a little delay, please have more patience.

The merchandise may be mailed back to us, return item within 30 days from delivery
Please contact for the return address.
And tell us what matter with the merchandise you received
You will get a Refunds/Exchanges Authorization from us
Please e-mail and tell us a package is coming back, provide us with a tracking number and carrier you used
Remember that shipping is at the expense of the customer.
The product must be returned unused and in the original condition you received it, with all original packaging and no signs of wear.

Would you like more information on the featured on Topbrandtimes ? Some stylish advice? Have any questions regarding our services? Please feel free to contact us by filling out the form below. We value your opinion and we will answer you in 24 hours. Regards!

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