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On ,we accept the following payment methods:
1. Credit Card
2. Recommend: Western Union
3.Other payment method

Tracking numbers of each shipping company will be sent via email when an order is shipped from Sale005mall warehouse. You can track the shipment via the web and tracking information can also be obtained by contacting shipping company website, which will be provided specific by email.

Return guarantee that the watch you received will be exact watch you ordered, If not, please contact within 5 days of receipt of your will be responsible for the shipping charge for our mistake. If you are not satisfied with items and want to exchange, its customer’s responsible for shipping charge.please do by the following steps:

*Please contact us first and get the confirmation(we will not accept any returns that show signs of being used, or worn)
*You are required to email us within 5 days of receipt of your order, For all merchandise receipting after 5 days are unavailable to refund and exchange.

Customer Care is here to help. To inquire about the products and services found on our Sale005mall are happy to assist you.

Please feel free to email us Our Skype: margret_liu
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