
We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
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Real Product Photos On pursebase.ru

Bank Transfer

On pursebase.ru,the processing time is 1-4 business days after your payment, tracking number will be provided after that. Shipping fees depends on the weight of your items. They charge very low shipping fees for their customers to save your money.

They offer Shipping Insurance to protect your package against any lost or damaged shipments. Any missing issues reported, they will help to resolve your problems immediately.

1. If you received a wrong item
You have the option of 1) asking for sending the correct one in your next order, 2) returning it for a full refund.,or 3) 1) exchanging it for the correct item. Customers must confirm their eligibility for an exchange or return with Customer Service before sending items back. In many cases, you have 7 days after receiving your order to contact Customer Service and request a return or exchange.

2. If you received you an item in the wrong color
You are eligible for a full refund after Customer Service confirms you received the wrong color. Perceived color differences due to the display settings of your computer monitor are not grounds for a refund.

Service by email 24 hours a day and 7 days a week on Pursebase.
Office Time: 9 PM – 9 AM in America / New_York, Monday through Saturday.
Email: soopos@gmail.com

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