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Receipt of international orders take 5-7 business days. Generally, the total processing time and shipping are equal to the total delivery time. on, the processing time generally ranges from 24 hours to 2 days. Processing time includes receiving your order, transmitting information to the appropriate warehouse, packing and shipping the item to. After completing the treatment, the expedition begins. Transport time is the transit time express delivery from the warehouse to your delivery address.

On, our e-mail offers a full refund on most items within 3 days after receiving your order. The first step in the reimbursement process is to call customer service at
We offer a full refund on all elements determined to be defective or damaged due to negligence on the part of our e-mail. The damage caused by the negligence of third party couriers or abuse of clients can not qualify an item for a refund.
When the packet returns to our office, we will examine the issue and offer a full refund if the above conditions are met. All packages that guarantees a full or partial refund will have their original shipping costs (from our e-mail you) refunded! our e-mail will not be responsible for return shipping costs (of up to our e-mail).
our e-mail reserves the right to issue a restocking fee of up to 15% based on the conditions and specifications of the returned item.

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