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Payment can only be made via CREDIT CARDS at the moment, but Newbags ,do not accept Debit card. But before you place an order using credit card on our site, we do hope that you could spend some time reading the following information to understand how credit card purchases are processed.

Delivery Process Shopping online can be an intimidating process for some or just plain confusing for others.on, if you have ever purchased anything online from a website that did not have a clear and simple delivery process, then you probably know the frustrations.

Newbagsaccept returns for exchange or refund in the following conditions:
1)We sent you a wrong item/items
2)There has quality problem about the product/products you received
If the product you received has the mentioned problem please contact us within 7 days after your received the package. Then we will inform you our returning address. Note:we bear the reshipping fee and our customers bear the returning fee. And the returning item should be in good contidion as we sent it out on Newbags

All emails are answered within 24 hours excluding weekends, please do not send several emails with the same request or question, our system might flag your email as SPAM.
When submitting a question regarding a recent purchase, please make sure to include you full name, email address originally used for purchase and order number if available.

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