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Description: Shop the official website for timeless British luxury. Discover our classic leather bags, accessories, womenswear and travel collections.

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Clicking “Purchase Now” will take you to our secure checkout where you will be shown a summary of your purchase . You will need to provide either a delivery address or select a store for collection, payment details and a relevant billing address. on, any applicable sales taxes and delivery charges will also be confirmed at this stage. Once you have entered your details you click the “Place Order” button. Clicking this button will also confirm your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions. Your order will then be processed by our systems, which is usually very quick, but during busy periods can take up to two minutes – so if nothing appears to be happening – please be patient and do not resubmit your order or refresh the page.

On, shipping times are applicable to orders placed before 2pm (GMT/BST) Monday to Friday. Orders placed after 2pm (GMT/BST) Monday to Friday will be despatched the following working day; orders placed after 2pm (GMT/BST) on Fridays will despatched the following Monday.

**Please allow two additional working days for Highlands and Islands.

***Please note that orders for stationery items of £50 or less are despatched via UK Royal Mail or international post. These orders will not have any tracking details provided and will not require a signature for delivery.

****Collect in store service is not offered on orders for stationery items of £50 or less. Once your order has arrived in store and it is ready to be collected you will be contacted by a member of staff.

On Mulberry, you can request a free return for goods you have purchased on up to 28 days after receiving your order for all full priced goods, or 14 days after for sale items.

To request a return, simply log in to your account, go to Order History and view the order you wish to return items from.

Within the order, click on the Return Item link and select a reason for return for any items you are returning.

Select the Continue with Return button in the Return Summary box, and then tick the box on the following page to confirm you accept Mulberry’s return conditions, then click the Return this Item button.

You will then see a returns confirmation number and also instructions on how to arrange your free returns collection. These details will also be sent to you in a returns confirmation email.

For general Mulberry enquiries please contact us using the details below.
+44 (0) 1761 234 273
Mulberry Company (Sales) Ltd
The Rookery, Chilcompton
Somerset, BA3 4EH

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