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Description: offer replica handbag, Louis Vuitton Top Handle , Cheap Louis Vuitton Top Handle, Louis Vuitton Top Handle Outlet, Louis Vuitton Top Handle On Sale, designer handbag of 100% good quality guarantee. You can see good quality in our picture and on our products. Purchasing handbags in enjoy free shipping and fast delivery service. online will never disappoint you

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On ,we accept Visa Card, JCB and Western Union.

1. For the free shipping, we will send via EMS, you can check your order in
2. We will ship out your order within 48 hours. (Not including our public holiday time.)
3. All the items will be inspected before shipping. We need another 24 hours to exchange a new one with factory if we find defeats on the items.
4. The shipping time is about 7-10 working days after we send out the order.
5. WE DON’T ACCEPT RUSH ORDER. Please don’t push us if you still not get your order within 12 days.(48 hours+10 days)
6. We can only guarantee that we will ship out your order on time, and we can not control the shipping status after we pass the package to forwarder.
7. EMS tracking number will be advised by e-mail after we send out the order.
8. For DHL tracking number, we can only advise after 24 hours since we ship out order(not including Weekend). Please contact us if you still not get your order after 12 days.

If you have any problem or question about your items, Please feel free to contact us; If you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply send to explain clearly the reason why you want to refund or exchange the products, then we will give you a Return Address, please Never send back to sender directly.We accept refund and exchange without time limit. But on Lvtophandle ,we will not accept any refund and exchange for damage, defect, used and taking off plastic paper around the handle .

Customer satisfaction is imperative to our business. We know that people who love designer handbags always want the newest and hottest styles on the market. Often, we get our eyes on new items even before they are released to the public. Then we begin the process of finding the materials, and creating the finest replicas available anywhere. Our customers are usually amazed that products that they can’t find anywhere else are available on our website, and that the quality is of the best. That is why 65% of our business comes from repeat orders. We maintain and enlarge our business base on mutual trusted and mutual benefit on Lvtophandle .

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