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Description: Louis Vuitton Outlet-Louis Vuitton Bags Online Store

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To pay with credit card on , you should submit your full name (Make sure that the receiver’s name of the order is the same as the owner’s name on the credit cards) the card number, verification number (CVV, which is a three number in your credit card back side), expiry date, and your billing information.

We offer fast shipping to worldwide. Generally delivery time is about 5-7 business days. Orders will be shipped out within 48hours, once your order has been shipped, our customer service will send mail with tracking numbers to you. If you didn’t get any info’s about your order, please feel free contact our customer service. We will check it.

All ordered items are the right items you pick here. We promise you of the right order package. So if returning right items for a refund: all returned items are subject to a 10% restocking fee. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.

We do not cover the shipping cost of returns or exchanges of right order package, you will be responsible for the shipping and handling costs. Additionally, we recommend that you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments.

On ,all returned merchandise should be sent to the shipping address we email you after you get contact us!

We make response within 24 hrs, and if you don’t get, please check.
1.whether the reply is in you junk mail.
2.whether your mail service provider get problem.
3.whether your mail address is correct and is in your white name list.
if none of them matches, please change another email and tell us the former email or your order No.

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