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Description: Welcome to our Luxury bags Shop, We sell hermes Luxury handbags, gucci handbags, and other brand Luxury handbags on huge discount.

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Payment can received the payment through Visa Card/Master Card/Paypal Method/Western Union and Money Gram.

When they received your payment, they will deal with your order with 24 hours.If anything goes well, they will ship it out with 2 days. If you buy other product together whin Michael Kors products, they need extra 2 days to prepare the goods for you.

You can check the status of your order at any time by going directly to the links provided by our customer service via email. Please note that you should have the order number and email address to track the order status. They will email the tracking number to you. Please note that carrier’s website may not update the records and parcel status in time.

Offers excellent, comprehensive customer service every step of the way. Before you order, make real time inquiries through use of their live chat. Once you’ve made a purchase, their customer service representatives are always on-hand to answer questions through Luxuryshandbags’s easy to use ticket system.


    1. Anna:

      Do you have bad experience with this website?

      1. Mariela:

        I haven’t bought anything from this website as I don’t trust them

  1. Anna:

    Scandalous! I have order and payed by Pal Pal GUCCI SOHO SHOULDER BAG, I’m waiting from one month the shipment, but they didn’t ship me.
    I write an email but from 2 days the website doesn’t exist and it’s impossible contact the customer service or someone else!!!
    Is it possible??
    It’ s a fraud…and I’m so angry and sad about this.

    1. Mariela:

      Their website has been shut down and it seems that they haven’t left any contact info on their website

  2. raihan:

    I have ordered one bag they took payment twice for one order. In addition, they don’t replaying any email. I also waiting for the shipment have been one moth

    1. Mariela:

      It seems that their website have been shutdown


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