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Description: Online shopping for the largest collection of Gucci beats, Gucci handbags, Gucci sunglasses etc, choose your best love Gucci at my Gucci outlet store

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On, payment can be made by credit card, Western Union and Bank transfer.
Western Union enjoys more discount in our website, more details please contact us.
When placing an order, your billing address must correspond to the address of your credit card otherwise we will not be able to process your order.
All transactions are secured, The website is provided with an SSL encryption system to protect personal and payment data. We do not sell or ship any items ordered through the Site directly to anyone we know to be under the age of 18. We will not collect and personally identifiable information ( e.g. name, address, telephone number and e-mail address), also referred to herein as “personal information”, about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily.

Orders may take from 24 to 36 hours to process on Once your order is processed you will receive email notification with shipment tracking number. All delivery standards begin when you receive this email. If order is placed after 3:00 PM CST on Friday or on the weekend, the earliest it will ship is Monday.
?Standard? Delivery
Unless an expedited service is requested, your order should arrive you soon from time you receive email shipping confirmation.
Delivery to Post Office Boxes Orders will not be shipped to a Post Office Box. All orders will have to have a valid non-PO box US address.
If returning right items for a refund: Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. We do not cover the shipping cost of returns or exchanges of right order package, you will be responsible for the shipping and handling costs. Additionally, we recommend that you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments or detained by customs.
All returned merchandise should be sent to the shipping address we email you, if it is not the right address, we are not responsible for the loss caused by the issue.

On Gbagssale, items can be returned for a refund or exchange with 7 days of the date of receipt. But the reason for returns caused by yourself(eg, size, color you choose), cannot be accepted. Returns can be sent back within 7 days upon receipt, all returned items must never been used and in new condition. All returned packages must be insured. As for returning right items for a refund: all returned items are subject to a 5% bank handling fee and shipping charges. Buyers are always responsible for the shipping charges. Sepcial circumstances may require partnership with corporate business partners. For more information, please contact our customer service.

We are always spare no efforts to offer customers easy shopping, and try our best to assist customers when shopping with us. For questions regarding order status and other after-sales support, click here to contact our Customer Service. Normally, we will reply your request within 24 hours during business days.

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