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Description: offers great online shopping experience for Fendi bags, Hermes bag, Louis Vuitton bag, Hermes 35cm birkin bag, Mulberry bag, Designer handbags, Gucci Bags, Proenza bags and Handbags. Purchase Handbags and Purse Online. Buy Handbags of Alexander Wang, Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Celine, Chanel, Chloe

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Real Product Photos On e8bags.com

1.Western Union–Get 10% Off
2.MoneyGram—Get 10% Off
3. T/T—Get 10% Off

e8bags.com often ships goods by EMS. It take 7~10 days for shipping. DHL is faster. it takes 4 days for shipping. but shipping charge is more.
They only charge 25 USD shipping fee for Wholesales and Retails order on Standard shipping. But large luggage for 60 USD.
The box and the shopping bag are not free. unit price is 10 usd for one set.

1.They only replace for quality problems. They do not replace for reasons like it is not exactly the same as the original or i do not like this style now. everybody has their own criteria. nobody could make an exact copy. Pls understand.

2. pls keep the package well as it was if you want to replace goods. pls do not rip off the plastic films on the logo and the chain. if they were taken off,they can not do the seond sale. so they can not accept replacemnt on E8bags .

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