We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
  • Composite score: 6.5
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Description: Buy the best quality replica handbags online

Real Product Photos

On, we support all the payment method
1. you can pay by credit card in our private website.please request to the sales by email.
2. we accpet the T/T, Western Union, Money Gram

In order for us to offer you this hassle free shipping process, you need to know the following:

– Providing the correct shipping address is your responsibility.
– We require signature upon delivery. This means that someone, preferably the recipient of the package, must be at home during the day to sign and receive the package.
– Depending on your country, we ship the package with various international couriers. If you want us to ship with a specific courier, please let us know when placing the order. If we don’t normally ship with that courier to your country, you will be responsible for the shipping expenses requested by that courier.
– All packages are shipped from our warehouse in China.
– Once the package has left our warehouse, you will receive an email from us with a tracking number and an explanation where to track it. You will be able to check the status of your package online.
– Please keep in mind that it is beyond our power to update the courier website. According to them, it can take up 5 days for the tracking number to be updated.
– Large orders will be split into multiple packages. We will provide a tracking number for each package shipped in that order.
– Even though we use express couriers, it may take up to 15 days for the package to reach you.
– When a package reaches your country, it must pass through customs. In some cases, you may be asked to assist with the clearance.
– We ship all our packages with low value invoices so that you don’t have to pay any extra custom taxes. In the event that extra charges occur, the customer is fully responsible for paying these fees.We strive to make the shipping fees as small as possible. The fact is that we actually cover for most of the shipping fees and you just have to pay a small part.

Keep in mind that on, regardless of how many items you purchase, the shipping cost by EMS is free, $25 for DHL shipment.

After purchasing your replica handbag or wallet it is unlikely that you will want to return it, however we do aim to make the customer shopping experience a pleasant one and if for any reason you are not 100% pleased with your knockoff handbag product we have a returns policy in place.

After we communicate you still need to return the bag, the product may be returned provided it has not been used and is in the original packaging. You have 14 days to request an item return. If the item is being returned because it is defective or for a quality reason we will exchange the product and compensate the customer the shipping fees. If there is not quality issue the returns shipping fee is the customer’s responsibility as is a $30 restocking fee

If you return an item because of a defect or a general fault, we request you to send us your purchase with the pictures of defect that you have found which would help us to validate your claim.

Once we have validated that an item is defective we will provide you with a Return Merchandise Agreement (RMA) number and our shipping address to return the products which we have validated as defective.

On Dkpursemall, we will not consider the returns of items which don’t show on the RMA and not been declared as defective. Please note that the initial shipping cost will be incurred by the costumer although compensation will be offered upon processing.

We are a fashion luxury handbags supplier. We provide our customers with fashionable, trendy, and hot-selling pieces at favorable prices. Many of our current customers are returning customers and this is most likely due to the top quality of our products and professional customer service. We strive to make your shopping experience happy and enjoyable. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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