We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
  • Composite score: 5.5
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Description: Since 2005, has been widely reviewed as the best site to buy the highest quality fake designer bags in the world.

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1. PayPal
2. Credit card (with support for Visa, MasterCard in the coming months)
3. Bank Transfer (You will receive a 5% discount on your completed purchase if pay by T/T)
4. MoneyGram (You will receive a 10% discount on your completed purchase if pay by MoneyGram)

Shipping ships within 1-3 business days of when you place your order. A small percentage of items require a longer ship-out time.
They ship via all major mail carriers, including DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT and EMS. Unfortunately, customers are unable to specify the carrier of their choice.
Upon delivery, you will be responsible for paying for all applicable duties and/or taxes for your order.
If packages are refused upon delivery, the customer will be responsible for all duties/taxes, return shipping and a 20% restocking fee. Original shipping cost will not be refunded.

They only accept defective merchandise or incorrect merchandise shipped ONLY. You may return it in its original condition within 30 days of delivery for a refund. This refund does not include the cost of shipping. Please include all the original packing, material, merchandise, and any included accessories in your package. (ie. locks, keys, straps, boxes..) Upon receipt of your return they will inspect your item along with reading your descriptions. Refunds are issued in the same form in which the original payment was made and may take up to 15 business days after the receipt of goods. Buyer must pay return shipping and subject to 25% restocking fee.

Please email them at if you have any questions on your purchase on Designerbound .

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