We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
  • Composite score: 5.5
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Description: online replica handbags shop

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Payment accepts credit cards (with a 5% surcharge). If you wish to pay by credit card you must email them for the payment link after submitting your order. They also accept Western Union, Moneygram, and wire transfers which you can save up to 10% by paying with.

Once you place an order it is shipped within 3 days. The actual shipping time usually takes 5-10 business days for EMS and 3-8 business days for DHL. A tracking number is provided which can be tracked online through the respective website.

On Counterluxury ,they do not do any returns. They only do exchanges if the item is defective. Please pay attention to ensure you will like the style before ordering.

Or Add on WeChat using the ID: counterlux

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