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On, we accept Visa, Mastercard, Western Union, Moneygram and T/T. Security measures are taken to protect your information in case accessing by unauthorized persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. we are not in the position to access to any information of your credit card.

You can check your e – mail link to confirm your order. For security reasons, insured and registered a total value of all their projects. Currently, all deliveries must be to the credit card billing address, shipping address unless it is secondary to register with the credit card company. If your billing address is a PO box, you must provide an e-mail so that we can ship your product physical address to contact us. does not ship to PO-mail address and asked to sign an adult package.

Orders usually sent within 24-36 hours, when your order is shipped, e-mail will be sent to reflect in the next 48 hours your order has been shipped and tracking number to you. It will be used to indicate which operators and order tracking to your door way. Please allow 7-9 days for delivery.

Your satisfaction is our goal. As a wholesaler, as well as a single supplier, it is our business to maintain long term relationships with customers. So we committed to working with our service, until the goal of complete customer satisfaction. We understand the needs of each customer is unique, so be prepared to deal with any problems.
On, we accept return for exchange or refund for the following reasons:
1. Shipping errors
2. Damaged goods

Once you have sent us e-mails, generally you may provide some information with comments or questions. We will try to offer you super service by communicating with you through mails. What is more, the communications of mails makes us knowing some unexpected cases quickly and will do some favors to our customers.

On Christian-louboutin-outlets, the information you provided to us will help us to improve the quality of our services and to respond to your requests quickly. Of course, it is except for authorized law enforcement investigations or required by law. Sometimes, in order to help you get through some problems, we need to refer your information to some appropriate agencies so that the issue can be solved and can do you a favor.

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