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Description: Replica Celine Bags are made of top quality leather with utmost attention to details, which is why Replica Celine bags look exactly like the authentic models

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Payment currently accepts payment through any of the following options:
Credit/Debit Cards
Western Union

Generally their items arrive within 5 to 15 Working day of purchase for any destination worldwide.
When you buy an item, they will then contact you within 48 hours of your order to provide you with a tracking number. This is why it is so important to give accurate contact information, especially telephone numbers and email addresses. If you are not at home when the item is delivered, the courier will leave a notice and you can then go and pick up your package at the nearest post office.

In order to qualify for a refund or replacement, they ask that you just contact them to let them know that you would like to send an item back to them within 30 days of receipt of the return information. The item/s you would like to return must be in new, unworn condition and all accessories must also be returned with the item.

If you haven’t received a tracking number within 48 hours after making a purchase, please immediately check your order status, view the Order Processing Comments.
If you have issues about product, shipping or refund, please contact them and Cebag will handle for you within 24 hours.
If you do not see the email in your inbox, check your Junk Mail or SPAM Mail Folder.

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