
We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
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Description: Burabag Co., Ltd -- super quality design handbags

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Real Product Photos On buraborse.com

At this moment, we accept payments with Western Union on buraborse.com . We are striving to offer our customers the safest and easiest ways to make payments online. We will be adding new ways of paying in the near future.

Firstly, the price on our website is the cost of the goods only, not including shipping fee to the destination.

Secondly, your order will be dispached within 48 hours as soon as you arrange the payment. Before the shipping, our exprienced QC will check your goods carefully and confirm all details, in orde that let you receive the perfect goods you order. Also, packing will be made at the same time.

Thirdly, we ship the parcel out China via EMS, DHL, UPS, TNT and ZJ-express, which deponds on customer’s request and your country. Actually, we are working with an exprienced shipping agency, who will offer us the newest information and best quotation.

Lastly and most important, on buraborse.com ,we guarantee the parcel is to be exported from Chinese’ customs, but we don’t make sure the parcel safety 100% in customs at the destination country. Due to the long term business relationship, we compensate 10% — 40% parcel missing in your next order, when the parcel is missing or seized by customs, the rate depends on how long you do business with us and what’s goods in the parcel, but we don’t refund any payment directly. By the way, we aren’t responsible for any customs’ taxes in the destination.

If there is any problem for the quality of the bag,you can return the package. Otherwise, we don’t accept any return. So please confirm the bags you need to order.

Buraborse provide the high customer service for you. If you have any question about our product and service, kindly send us your question to us by Mail. Our well- trained customer service will reply you at very first time and give you the answer.

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