
We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
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Description: Specializes in replica Louis Vuitton handbag and leather goods, high quality, affordable prices.

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Real Product Photos On 99starbagshops.com

Please allow 5-10 days for your order to arrive. Please be aware that EMS from China does not guarantee delievery time so some packages may take longer than normal to arrive. But again we guarantee delivery and our packages always arrive. We do not take rush orders. If you need the product by a specific date, please plan ahead and give us enough time to work on your shipment. If the package still missed your deadline, please make sure you have someone there that can sign for the package or pick it up at your local post office. If package was returned to sender because it’s unclaimed, we’ll still charge you for the starting shipping plus a percentage of restocking fee on 99starbagshops.com . We do not accept returns because we missed your deadline and you “no longer need it.” Each order takes a lot of our hardwork and cost a lot money to ship, please respect our work.

We deliver to Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Asia and North America. Currently we do not serve other areas. Feel free to contact us if we ship to your country or not.

1)Return policy:
On 99starbagshops.com ,we accept easy return in 7 days if there are problems with the quality for the followings reasons:

A. not of 100% real leather.
B. Damaged in 7 dags because of the problems with the quality.

Notice: If there is no problem with the quality, but you stick to a return, I’m afraid that you should pay the double shipping cost.

2)Return process :
If you ask for a return, please contact us by email to get the return address directly and don’t place a dispute on PayPal, because it will take a long time to resolve it on PayPal and maybe you can’t get the refund.

A. Contact us to get the return address.
B. Send the items back to us.
C. We will check the items to confirm whether they are intact or not.
D. Refund the money.

To serve our customers efficiently,our friendly and efficient staff can be contacted in many different ways on 99starbagshops .

Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm eastern time. All e-mails received during business hours will receive a reply the same business day. All other e-mails will receive a reply before noon eastern time the following business day.

If you have any question or comments about our products or if you would like to find out more about 99starbagshop. Please contact us and we will feeback you soon.

The best Designer replica handbags online store
Hotmail: w9starbag@hotmail.com
Gmail: w9starbag@gmail.com

Business hours
99starbagshop is at your service 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Process time
On 99starbagshops ,we will process your orders within 24 hours. It may take longer time during weekends and holidays.

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