
We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
  • Composite score: 6.0
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Description: We offer replica Louis Vuitton shoes, Men sneaker and loafers, Christian Louboutin Pumps, Gucci, Dior, Fendi shoes, Giuseppe Zanotti Sandals and other fake designer shoes

Real Product Photos
Real Product Photos On 1to1shoes.net

They accept credit card,western union,bank wire transfer on 1to1shoes.net .

They can ship all over the world by EMS , DHL, TNT, Hongkong Post and Fedex !
The shipping cost depends on the weight and volume of the package ,destination and by what way you will choose to ship
Their system will calculate the shipping cost according to countries and the shipping way you will choose when you place an order online!

If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your purchases ( replica designer shoes or fake designer bags for these reasons(wrong items,quality problems,or damaged during shipping),please contact them immediately at ioffershoes@hotmail.com . You will be instructed where to return and how to retrun your replica designer shoes or bag(s) through emails. In order to receive a refund or replacement smoothly from 1to1shoes , it is absolutely necessary for you to contact them before you are going to return any items.Also,to keep the returned bag(s) new and unused is an indispensable condition.

Before returning, please kindly send them pictures of the defective items to allow them to validate the fact. Once they have validated that it is a defective item, they will provide you with a shipping address to return the replica designer shoes or handbags.

Moreover,the shipment fare is charged at your end when you return your designer shoes or replica bags back to them by express and then provide them a tracking number.

On 1to1shoes.net ,they can ship replica handbags shoes all over the world by EMS, DHL,TNT,UPS and Hongkong EMS
You can send them messages online , or you can go to their Member Center to send messages and check order status !

Email: iofferreplica@hotmail.com
Tel: 0086-15815839958
Address: NO.12,Nan 3 Jie,Fei’E Xi Road,BaiYun District,GuangZhou,China

  1. roy:

    do you know their new domain?

    1. Mariela:

      Sorry,I don’t know.I will tell you as soon as I find it.

  2. Natasa:

    Please can you informe me which is the new site of the company?
    Thank you

    1. Mariela:

      Sorry,their website have been shut down and I also don’t know their new site.


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